Paint Job
Back in the paint shop – black and yellow topcoats drying in the sun.
The black went on nicely, and looks OK. The yellow – not so much. Getting a decent finish is hard, and demands skills and patience that I don’t have. It looks just passable from a distance, and I’ve no appetite for sanding it down and starting again. Next time I’d take more time, and maybe not go with such a light colour. Perhaps there’s a reason so many home-built bikes are full flat black.
That tiny red dot at the top of the seat tube is a 3 ball. Along with the carefully designed seat it’ll help when manhandling the bike. It adds a little retro chic too.
This picture also shows the ‘fade to black’ effect I attempted on the frame. The curve in the main tube is no optical illusion. I don’t know if it got that way from post-welding contraction (visible here?) or overloading while riding. It’s not getting measurably worse and there’s no cracking so I’m not unduly concerned.